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Latest planning applications awaiting determination

P232807/F Much Birch, Birch, Field adjacent to Tump Lane Tump Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8HW Proposed erection of 20 dwellings, with associated new access (via Tump Lane), car parking arrangements, communal house, new POS (extension of existing play area) and new stretches of footpath with passing places (north and west bound along Tump Lane). Planning Permission **RECONSULTATION**
P250312/RM Much Birch, Birch, Land at Eden House Eden Lane Barrack Hill Little Birch, Herefordshire Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 230992 (Outline planning for a detached self build dwelling and garage). Approval of Reserved Matters  **NEW**
P243018/O Much Dewchurch, Wormside, Land at Helenswood Farm Kingsthorne Herefordshire HR2 8AL Outline application with all matters reserved for the proposed erection of two self-build dwellings Outline  **RECONSULTATION**
P230231/O Llanwarne, Birch, Land south of Wormelow Shop Wormelow Herefordshire HR2 8EJ Outline for the erection of up to 4 dwellings and associated works. Outline  **RECONSULTATION**
P241292/F Little Birch, Birch, Glendene Wrigglebrook Pitch Wrigglebrook Kingsthorne Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8AR Erection of agricultural unit. Repositioning of unit previously approved via Prior Approval Notice 231018. Planning Permission  **NEW**
P243057/FH Much Birch, Birch, The Old School Much Birch Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8HJ Proposed two storey extension to existing side wing. New front porch and boot room. Full Householder 
P243072/XA2 Much Birch, Birch, Walled Garden Adjacent Stable Cottage Much Birch Herefordshire HR2 8HT Application for approval of details reserved by condition 6 attached to Listed Building Consent P214166/L PP - Approval of details reserved by condition 
P231114/O Much Birch, Birch, Land at The Old Post Office Wormelow Herefordshire Outline application for erection of a single dwelling with revised vehicular access and parking. Outline  **RECONSULTATION**