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Latest planning applications awaiting determination

P241393/V Much Birch, Birch, Tremezzo Much Birch Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8HL Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development for the removal ofthe existing conservatory on the rear of the dwelling and the additionof an enlarged garden room.(Part retrospective) Certificate of Lawfulness (CLOPD)  **NEW**
P241328/RM Much Birch, Birch, Land at Closeburn Ladywell Lane Wrigglebrook Kingsthorne Hereford Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval - 220145 (Outline application with all matters reserved, saveaccess, for the development of a single dwelling house and access). Approval of Reserved Matters **NEW**
P241186/F Much Birch, Birch, Bramble Tor Pages Pitch Kingsthorne Hereford HR2 8AW Application for variation of conditions 2 (amend drawing numbers for amended design as existing garage to be retained), 7 (amend to incorporate previously approved EV charging station), 9 (amend to incorporate visibility splays) & 10 (amend to incorporate CMP plan) following grant of planning permission 232705 (Proposed 3- bedroom dwelling to replace the existing dwelling and associated works including; the demolition of the existing dwelling, relocating the site access and landscaping). Planning Permission  **NEW**
P241263/AM Much Birch, Birch, Annexe, Walmere Wrigglebrook Kingsthorne Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8AW Proposed non-material amendment to SH881829PF (Extension to provide additional living accommodation for disabled parents) - To allow extension to be for the use of family members and holiday lets. Non Material Amendment  **NEW**
P232938/FH Much Dewchurch, Wormside, Wenallt Kingsthorne Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8AL New access to main road from driveway. Proposed first floor to bungalow. New rear raised decking area. Full Householder 
P232807/F Much Birch, Birch, Field adjacent to Tump Lane Tump Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8HW Proposed erection of 20 dwellings, with associated new access (via Tump Lane), car parking arrangements, communal house, new POS (extension of existing play area) and new stretches of footpath with passing places (north and west bound along Tump Lane). Planning Permission 
P231114/O Much Birch, Birch, Land at The Old Post Office Wormelow Herefordshire Outline Planning Permission for the erection of 2 semi-detached dwellings with revised vehicular access and parking. Outline
P230231/O Llanwarne, Birch, Land south of Wormelow Shop Wormelow Herefordshire HR2 8EJ Outline for the erection of 7 dwellings and associated works. Outline